
  • Back?

    Well, I got laid off again.

    The job I had (plus the schedule required by only having one vehicle and my partner also having a job) is the main reason this website and the associated projects have gotten left behind the last couple years, so maybe now I will have time to actually do things here again.


    Or maybe I’ll just find another company to give me just enough to live on for a couple years before they dump me with no notice right before thanksgiving. Seriously, that’s happened twice now.

    So yeah, I’m pretty motivated to do something on my own right now just out of spite, but I’m also tired and kind of depressed.

    This site was intended to be specifically for my B2B Second Life business, but it might end up being more of a diary for what I’m working on in general.

    But until I figure out what that is, I don’t really have much to say.

  • Welcome to Onyx Pixel. Please excuse the dust.

    Hi, I’m Nix. Apparently re-branding is my stress response.

    I started the process during setup for Fantasy Faire, and now I’m busy following through, buying domains, creating logos, and writing “this blog has moved” posts!

    I’m also working on building large mesh build kits, PBR materials, EEP settings, scripts, gadgets and full permissions mesh for Second Life, and hopefully porting some of the kits, materials and mesh into other engines like Unreal Engine and Unity in the near future.

    The new name of my brand is Onyx Pixel. All of my old brands will remain in their current locations on the marketplace, aside from the few full permissions things which will be repackaged and sold @ Onyx Pixel or in-world at a shop that is still under construction.